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Calling London-based organisations!

18 Aug 2022

National Numeracy is actively recruiting London-based organisations to get involved with our ‘Every Londoner Counts’ initiative, which offers free training, workshops and learning opportunities.

The initiative aims to train 500 numeracy champions and support 24,000 Londoners with developing their numeracy in 2022-24.


For London-based employers and community settings, we are currently offering funded places on our ‘Becoming a Numeracy Champion’ training programme, free attitudinal workshops for adult learners, and access to the National Numeracy Challenge. Numeracy champions are trained to promote positive attitudes towards maths and do not teach maths themselves.

With training places available on programmes running in the autumn as well as the opportunity for a bespoke offer for your setting, there are plenty of ways to get involved. We’d love to hear from you!

If you are based in London or have a London footprint, please get in touch via to find out what we can offer your organisation.

Get in touch

Our training and workshops

Aimed at supporting adults with low confidence in their number skills, our sessions do not teach maths skills but instead aim to build confidence, change mindsets and introduce resources to support skills learning.

Negative thoughts, feelings and anxieties around maths often hold people back from even engaging with numeracy upskilling. This makes our confidence-focused approach critical.
