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Happy Volunteers' Week!

7 Jun 2024

This year is the 40th anniversary of Volunteers’ Week in the UK; a chance to recognise, celebrate and thank volunteers for all they contribute to local communities, the voluntary sector and society as a whole.

Volunteers' Week logo with text saying "Thank you to all of our volunteers!"

National Numeracy is proud to work with a range of fantastic volunteering partners, and we extend a heartfelt thank you to all of their colleagues who have been helping us inspire so many young people across the UK in recognising the value of everyday maths.

Thank you to Capital One UK, CISI Future Foundation, Experian, Kartesia, KPMG, London Stock Exchange Group, S&P Global, TP ICAP and Vanquis Banking Group.

Across May, as part of National Numeracy Day, volunteers have delivered inspiring sessions in primary schools across the UK.

In Bradford, Vanquis Banking Group showcased how they use numeracy throughout their jobs and hobbies whilst TP ICAP celebrated everyday numbers in Northern Ireland.

Capital One volunteers and charity ambassador Bobby Seagull also joined forces to get children thinking about how they’ll use maths when they grow up, in their dream jobs and hobbies.

We also reached new corners of the UK; with KPMG’s support, we delivered sessions in Wales for the first time, in Preston with the London Stock Exchange Group and in Bracknell and Surrey with S&P Global.

Bobby Seagull with Capital One, leading a session for children

And this Wednesday, in celebration of Volunteers’ Week and our remarkable volunteering programme, we were delighted to visit Experian’s Nottingham HQ to deliver an exciting and interactive 'Maths in the Real World' session for local schoolchildren.

Volunteers from Experian shared their own maths stories and experiences with the children, fostering curiosity and excitement about the ways we use numeracy in the world of work and beyond the classroom.

Alongside a glimpse of future career opportunities, the children left with a newfound enthusiasm and appreciation for where numbers can take us.

Richard Donovan from Experian leading a My Maths Story session for children

"The opportunity to visit Experian as a real place of work was the highlight of the visit. For the children (and the adults) this experience opened their eyes to the possibilities of careers beyond school. They loved meeting the volunteers and had meaningful discussions about how they use maths in their jobs.

"For the children at our school, it is essential that we provide aspiration for the future and this was achieved on this trip."

– Lorna Dermody, Head of School, Mellers Primary

Interested in getting involved?

National Numeracy offer a fantastic corporate volunteering programme to support the social impact goals of our partner organisations. This is an incredibly powerful way for businesses to invest in their people and in their communities. Volunteering with us provides a unique, meaningful and rewarding experience for your employees.

If you’d like to learn more, email

Bobby Seagull with Capital One and National Numeracy staff members