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It’s here! The National Numeracy Challenge website has been renovated

18 Mar 2020

Find out everything you need to know

The National Numeracy Challenge website has been updated with a series of new features specially designed to help maths anxious adults. 

The free service, provided by National Numeracy, enables people to build their confidence with numbers. The new site features a much shorter skills check, along with some other changes to provide even more support for learners.   

Screenshot of the new Challenge page, asking "How do you feel about maths?"

Here’s what’s new:

  • Videos showing common feelings held about maths, as told by everyday people, to build understanding that however you feel about maths you’re not alone.
  • A quick check to provide a rough skills score and a way to practise in only 10-15 mins. The longer, more detailed check-up and overview of strengths and weaknesses is still there too. 
  • New look and feel to make the website clearer and simpler to use. 
  • More choice on what to do. Users can learn, practise or check their skills as well as visit individually tailored resources.   

The background

Over 280,000 people have signed up to use the Challenge since it was launched in 2014. However some users found the full check-up too long, so we have introduced a much shorter skills check, which works in the same way as the longer check-up, but only takes around 10 minutes. Another key change involves encouraging people to think about how they feel about maths, followed by a series of real-life stories, helping to show that however you feel about numbers you’re not alone.


What about those already using the Challenge?

Existing Challenge users can simply log-in as normal using their email address and password. All previous progress will be saved and located on the home-screen. After logging in users will be asked to pick a word that describes how they feel about maths, and can then visit a new ‘Feeling Good About Maths' area, try the new quick-check, or carry on as before.   

Please feed back

With such a major change to the technology underlying the Challenge – and all the content within it – we will be looking to hear about any issues. We welcome hearing from you at  

Start improving your numeracy – register on the new look National Numeracy Challenge now!

The National Numeracy Challenge is an online tool to help you improve your numeracy and boost your confidence. This interactive website is free to use at home, at work or on the move. You can assess your current level of numeracy – completely anonymously – and then begin an online journey to getting the Essentials of Numeracy.