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Numeracy advocates recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours

19 Jun 2024

Three of the UK’s most passionate advocates for improving the nation’s numeracy have been recognised in the King’s Birthday Honours list.

Launch of National Numeracy's social mobility report

Lucy-Marie Hagues, CEO, Capital One UK, Bruno Reddy, Founder and CEO of Maths Circle and Nicholas Lyons, former Lord Mayor of the City of London, are among those being honoured for their services to communities across the UK.

National Numeracy is enormously proud to count all three among our charity’s pioneering partners.

Sam Sims, CEO of National Numeracy said: “We extend our warmest congratulations to Lucy-Marie Hagues MBE, Bruno Reddy OBE and Sir Nicholas Lyons. All three are incredible advocates for the transformational power of numeracy.

“Capital One, Maths Circle and The Lord Mayor’s Appeal have been at the forefront of changing the way numeracy is perceived in schools, business and workplaces across the country for many years. 

“We are enormously grateful for their vital support of our work to empower people in disadvantaged communities to thrive through numeracy confidence and skills.” 

Lucy-Marie Hagues, CEO, Capital One UK, has been awarded an MBE for services to education and skills.

Her dedication to social mobility and gender inclusiveness through numeracy has been the driving force behind Capital One and National Numeracy’s partnership.

Lucy-Marie is a founding member of our National Numeracy Leadership Council - a pioneering group of organisations who have joined forces with National Numeracy to address the UK’s numeracy crisis. She also chairs the Council’s Gender Taskforce.

Capital One is the start-up funder for National Numeracy’s hugely successful Corporate Volunteering Programme, funding partner for our latest numeracy and social mobility research and a lead supporter for our National Numeracy Day and Number Confidence Week campaigns.

Lucy-Marie Hagues MBE said: "I am thrilled and incredibly proud to have been awarded an MBE in the King’s Birthday Honours List.

"We at Capital One UK made the decision to focus our social impact efforts as a company on improving numeracy and data-literacy in the UK. That choice was based on our belief that skill working with numbers opens up opportunities for people from all backgrounds, increases financial success and improves lives.

"This award is testament to the great work done by the fabulous team I lead at Capital One UK and the partners we work with - especially the brilliant team at National Numeracy.

"As the head of a major, data-led UK company, I see every day the importance of numeracy and data-literacy in our workforce. I have long been an advocate of encouraging a more positive relationship with numbers and data, especially amongst those groups who typically think maths 'isn’t for them'.

"In particular, I’m dedicated to making sure that girls, women, and those who didn’t grow up in number-confident households, feel able to challenge themselves and reject the myth that maths ability belongs only to the lucky few.

"By being part of the Prime Minister’s Maths to 18 Expert Advisory Group last year, and through many other initiatives we are involved in, we are working to show that numeracy and data-literacy can be and should be for everyone."

Bruno Reddy, Founder and CEO of Maths Circle, has been awarded an OBE for services to education.

Maths Circle’s educational programmes Times Tables Rock Stars and NumBots are familiar to children all over the UK as a fantastic, fun way of engaging with numeracy from a young age.

Maths Circle and National Numeracy have teamed up for the past three National Numeracy Days. In 2022, Bruno led Times Tables Rock Stars and National Numeracy in setting a Guinness World Record for a mass rock and roll version of the five times table! 

Bruno and the whole Maths Circle team share National Numeracy’s passion for supporting young people with the number skills and confidence needed to navigate everyday life, at school and beyond.

Nicholas Lyons, former Lord Mayor of the City of London, has been awarded a knighthood for services to the financial sector, to the growth economy and to financial literacy.

During his recent tenure as the 694th Lord Mayor of the City of London, Sir Nicholas supported National Numeracy’s Every Londoner Counts initiative, which is funded by the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and is creating hundreds of Numeracy Champions across the city.

Passionate about helping people improve their financial literacy, Sir Nicholas has been an incredible advocate for National Numeracy's work. He hosted businesses at Mansion House for our Number Confidence Week campaign.  

National Numeracy has also been privileged to have taken part in the centuries-old tradition of the Lord Mayor’s Show twice, including the year Sir Nicholas was sworn in in 2022.

Sir Nicholas Lyons said: “It is deeply humbling to receive this honour which reflects the work of many colleagues in the City. 

“Our financial services sector is the bedrock of the economy and has a critical role to play in directing the investment needed to deliver growth in productivity and better futures for all."

Huge congratulations to Lucy-Marie Hagues MBE, Bruno Reddy OBE and Sir Nicholas Lyons. National Numeracy is truly grateful for all the support they have given and continue to give in our mission to improve number confidence and skills across the UK.

Photo shows Lucy-Marie Hagues speaking at the launch of National Numeracy's social mobility report.

Photo credit: Lance Bellers