Build your number confidence
Here are just a few resources to help you to feel happier about using numbers in daily life. There will be more to come soon!
You can also start learning now with the National Numeracy Challenge. It's a free learning programme to boost your confidence and skills.
We know there is a link between maths and mental wellness. So we have designed these activities to help you feel calm and confident to face the numbers in your life.
- Habit trackers help you take a small positive action every day
- Five tips for overcoming maths anxiety
- Chuck it in the Bucket helps you recognise and relieve stress
Chuck It in the Bucket!
This tool can help you understand what you can do to feel more confident and in control when it comes to numbers.

5-day habit tracker
Use our handy tips and prompts to help boost your confidence this Number Confidence Week.

30-day habit tracker
Use this tracker to build your confidence with numbers throughout November.

5 tips for overcoming maths anxiety
Maths anxiety is common and can paralyse us when we need to use numbers. Here are our top tips to overcome maths anxiety.

Join the Confidence Club
Bryony and Ish are part of our elite training team. Their job is to help adults to build confidence with numbers. For Number Confidence Week, they are your confidence coaches.
For the first time we're sharing some of their knowledge and insight via email. Simply sign up below to get helpful (and totally free) hints, tips and videos straight to your inbox.

Real life stories
The stories of these women are a powerful glimpse into how wide spread maths anxiety is.
Our Agony Aunts tackle your number problems
In this video Sally and Tamsin from National Numeracy discuss one of the moving stories they've encountered.
Other learners have struggled their whole lives with numbers, like apprentice Rebecca , or like Stella, who has dyscalculia. But their stories prove all of us can improve and learn to use the numbers in our lives.
If you do one thing, do this...
The National Numeracy Challenge is an online learning tool that over half a million adults have already used!
It's a free, confidential, online way to improve your numeracy. It starts with a quick check of your skills, which makes a learning area just for you so you can learn the skills you need.
Why not give it a go?