Top 7 numeracy apps for adults
21 Apr 2020
We are often asked to recommend apps and other digital resources to help with maths and numeracy.
What follows is not a definitive list – rather, it is an initial set of apps that we have found useful or entertaining, and which we have found ourselves coming back to.
They are shown in no particular order.

Star Dash Studios
National Numeracy's brand new smartphone game is now available on Android, Apple and Amazon app stores.
Get Star Dash Studios now to practise your numeracy and smash your high score by collecting coins and completing challenges for the team on a movie set.

Sumaze and Sumaze 2
We love these apps!
They are addictive and challenging number puzzles that provide lots of practice in a variety of number and algebra skills.
They won’t actually teach you what to do, but they will encourage you to develop your skills.

This is one of many resources produced by the MIND research Institute – all featuring JiJi the penguin.
We have found that this app is enjoyed by a wide range of adults and younger people. It encourages mathematical problem solving skills in a lively and visual way. It’s good fun, quite addictive, and it includes lots of logical problems and very few words!
An interesting TED talk from the founder of the company that developed this app is available here.

Barclays Lifeskills
This is a large, well-designed and comprehensive site (and associated mobile app) covering a range of life skills including financial capability. Barclays Lifeskills includes a wide range of games and scenarios, and users are awarded points for visiting and interacting with the various parts of the resource.

BBC Skillswise
Skillswise is the BBC’s ‘minisite’ for adult basic skills, and the maths section provides ‘practical, common-sense maths for adults’, organised by topic. The activities include small, self-contained games and videos focused on particular skills.

Khan Academy
Another well-known web-based resource, Khan Academy provides help with a huge variety of maths topics. It’s basically a series of instructional videos, and as it is American, some of the terminology may be a little unfamiliar. Despite this, we are happy to recommend this resource – it has a great selection of material covering most of the school maths curriculum, and much more besides.

Try the National Numeracy Challenge
However you feel about maths, you’re not alone. The National Numeracy Challenge is a free and easy-to-use website you can use to improve your confidence with numbers.
It’s ideal for brushing up, checking your level, or for catching up on learning you missed, and it’s all about the maths you need in daily life and at work – no algebra or trigonometry.