Tell us your story
Maths and numbers can be hard to relate to. That's why we tell real stories about real experiences.
Telling YOUR story will help thousands of other people just like you! It makes people realise they are not alone and can transform their lives.
Just like Stella. She told us she had always found numbers tricky, but found a way to improve. See her story.
Let us know how you feel about numbers...we'd love to hear from you. Your story can show why numbers matter in everyday life... at work, home and school.
Simply fill out the form below, or WhatsApp us on 07754850161 with a voice note or message:

Where will my message go if I send you a WhatsApp?
This is our business WhatsApp number so our Social Media Team will pick up the message and get back to you to confirm receipt. You don't have to give us any personal information if you don't want. If you're happy to provide some personal information in your message - such as your name - it will be held under our privacy policy. We will contact you using the number you provide if we plan to use your message in public communications.
What will happen next if I fill in the form?
Our Communications Team will record your story and if we are going to use it in any way that is public we will contact you using the email you provide. Our team may also be interested in finding out more about you and may ask you some more questions if they email you. All information gathered will be stored in line with our privacy policy.
How will you use my story?
This depends a bit on what information you give us. An anonymous quote can be used on social media and on our website. If you give us your name and contact details we would like to talk to you to work this up into a story on our website. If we have any of your personal information to use in the story, we will seek your consent before using it publicly.